It is written

God's plan for salvation (Danish)

This 25-episode series is a review of what the Bible tells us about God's plan for salvation.

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Guds Frelsesplan (1) Introduktion til Bibelen. Hele Jesu forkyndelse gik ud fra, at alt det som stod skrevet, var sandt.
Guds Frelsesplan (2) De 5 teser som alle Bibeltro mennesker vil være enige om.
God's plan for salvation (3) The Bible is about who God is and his relationship with man. 
God's plan for salvation (4) Reading the Bible is like reading a manual for an abundant life.
God's plan for salvation (5) God existed before the beginning of the world, and had a plan. He is a personal God with thoughts, emotions and will. Reading from Gen 1:1.
God's plan for salvation (6) Man was created in the image of God. Man was the crown of God's creation. Reading from Gen 1.
God's plan for salvation (7) Man lived in innocence, but decided not to obey God. Therefore, death (separation) came into the world. Reading from Gen 3.
God's plan for salvation (8) The law of nature (our conscience) tells us what is right and wrong. It sets us apart from all other creatures.
God's plan for salvation (9) Cain chose not to live in covenant with the law of nature. But God still held out his hand to him. Reading from Gen 4.
God's plan for salvation (10) Two directions appeared very early on - people who would seek God, and those who would not. Reading from Gen 5.
God's plan for salvation (11) God made a covenant with Noah after they came out of the ark, instituting the age of human rule. Reading from Gen 6 -9.
God's plan for salvation (12) Man turned away from God and built the Tower of Babel. God chose Abraham to show His glory. Reading from Gen 11-12..
God's plan for salvation (13) Moses received God's laws - The Ten Commandments. God made the descendants of Abraham into a nation.
God's plan for salvation (14) At a certain point, Jesus came. The fulfillment of all Old Testament prophecies about a Savior and a Deliverer. Reading from Gal 4:4.
God's plan for salvation (15) The passion of Christ, his death, resurrection and ascension.
God's plan for salvation (16) Jesus' death made a the way into God's presence for all who say yes to him.
God's plan for salvation (17) The resurrection makes it so that the Jesus who died, he lives today. Therefore we can talk to him today.
God's plan for salvation (18) What does the Bible say about the future? God has told us before it happens.
God's plan for salvation (19) The coming age. Jesus' return. Reading from Dan 9.
God's plan for salvation (20) Antichrist breaks the covenant with the Jews, and persecution breaks out. The false prophet appears.
God's plan for salvation (21) Jesus talks about the things that will happen when he returns. Reading from Matt 24.
God's plan for salvation (22) A world where the Antichrist reigns, and the end of the tribulation when Jesus returns. Rev 19.
God's plan for salvation (23) The last age. Divine government. God's promises come true.
God's plan for salvation (24) The difference between the four judgments. The judgment of sin. The judgment where the Christians are held accountable to God. The judgment of the nations. The judgment of deeds for those who do not believe.
God's plan for salvation (25) Description of concepts and expressions that exist in connection with the end times.

Revelation (Danish)

This 21-episode series is a review of the entire Book of Revelation.

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Revelation (1) The Book of Revelation is the book in the Bible that has the best description of the last days and the return of Jesus. (Rev. 1: 1-6).
Revelation (2) John received the revelation in exile and saw the glorified Jesus (Rev. 1: 7-18).
Revelation (3) The letter to the church of Ephesus. Represents the apostolic age. (Rev. 1:19 - 2:7).
Revelation (4) The letter to the church in Smyrna. The suffering congregation. Represents the time from about 100-310 AD. (Rev. 2: 8-11).
Revelation (5) The letter to the church of Pergamum. The indulgent church. Represents the time from about 300-600 AD (Rev. 2: 12-17).
Revelation (6) The letter to the church in Thyatira. Represents the Catholic Church as a system. (Rev. 2: 18-29).
Revelation (7) The letter to the church in Sardis. (Rev. 3: 1-6).
Revelation (8) The letter to the church in Philadelphia. The victorious church. (Rev. 3: 7-13).
Revelation (9) The letter to the church in Laodicea. (Rev. 3: 14-22).
Revelation (10) Here the age of the church stops and the end time begins. The center of heaven is God himself. (Rev. 4: 1-11).
Revelation (11) There was no one worthy to break the seal - only the Lamb of God. (Rev. 5: 1-14).
Revelation (12) The lamb opens the scroll. A commandment goes out, and the tribulations begin on the earth. (Rev. 6: 1-17).
Revelation (13) The 144,000 are Jews of the tribes of Israel who serve God and preach the gospel. The crowds are those who are saved in the time of tribulation. (Rev. 7: 1-17).
Revelation (14) The contents of the seventh seal are the seven trumpets. (Rev. 8:1 - 10:11).
Revelation (15) The Temple of the Jews in Jerusalem is being rebuilt. The Prophecies of the Two Witnesses (Rev. 11: 1-19).
Revelation (16) Antichrist creates peace in the Middle East and it includes the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem.
Revelation (17) A great sign in the sky. The fall of the dragon from heaven. Hatred against the nation of Israel and the Messiah. (Rev. 12: 1-18).
Revelation (18) The devil raises the Antichrist and the false prophet to prevent the return of Jesus. (Rev. 13: 1-18).
Revelation (19) We see what is happening in heaven, during the great tribulation. We see those who have emerged victorious from the battle. (Rev. 14 - 16).
Revelation (20) Babylon represents the place of rebellion. The religious and the political system. The power of money. (Rev. 17-19).
Revelation (21) The thousand years, the judgement and the new heaven and new earth. (Rev. 20-22).

The Gospel of John (Danish)

This 59-episode series is a review of the entire Gospel of John.

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The Gospel of John (1) Introduktion til Johannes Evangeliet og hensigten med hans evangelium. (Joh. 1,1).
The Gospel of John (2) God created man in His own image and He has a plan for our lives. (John 1:2-3).
The Gospel of John (3) God wants to give us His life and turn on the light, so we can see Him. (John 1:4-5).
The Gospel of John (4) God sends people with a purpose and a meaning. But we have a choice whether we want to cooperate with God. (John 1:6-11).
The Gospel of John (5) Accepting Jesus is not just about changing our thoughts. It is an experience that comes from within. To be born of God and become His child. (John 1:12-14).
The Gospel of John (6) If we want to see what God looks like, we must look at Jesus. (John 1:15-18).
The Gospel of John (7) John testified of Jesus so that all should come to faith, by that testimony. (John 1:19-46).
The Gospel of John (8) People without deceit are people who live in the truth, recognize the truth and continue. (John 1: 47-51).
The Gospel of John (9) Jesus followed the divine plan. This was his first miracle. (John 2:1-12).
The Gospel of John (10) Jesus became angry. People were preoccupied with themselves in a place where they were supposed to worship God. (John 2:13-25).
The Gospel of John (11) Nicodemus searched for the truth. When people seek the truth, God will always let them find it. (John 3: 1-8).
The Gospel of John (12) From the very beginning, Jesus knew the purpose of why he was on earth. (John 3: 9-21).
The Gospel of John (13) John did not doubt that Jesus was a messenger from Heaven who was to bring salvation to earth. (John 3: 22-36).
The Gospel of John (14) Jesus came with divine revelation into her life, because he wanted to reach her heart. (John 4: 1-42).
The Gospel of John (15) Jesus came for all people. There is no one who exempted from his love and care. (John 4: 43-54).
The Gospel of John (16) Jesus speaks to a lame and discouraged man and challenges his will. When Jesus speaks, he gains faith. (John 5: 1-18)
The Gospel of John (17) Jesus acts in accordance with God's will and calls God his Father (John 5: 19-30).
The Gospel of John (18) He who, without prejudice, accepts his words into his heart, receives faith.
The Gospel of John (19) Jesus, John the Baptist, the works of Jesus, God himself and the Word have testified about Jesus. (John 5: 31-47).
The Gospel of John (20) When people come to Jesus, he takes care of them. (John 6: 1-15).
The Gospel of John (21) It was not just Jesus who walked on water. Peter did as well. (John 6: 16-21).
The Gospel of John (22) The crowd was preoccupied with the food they had been given to eat. But the work of God is that we believe! (John 6: 22-35).
The Gospel of John (23)
The Gospel of John (24)
The Gospel of John (25)
The Gospel of John (26)
The Gospel of John (27)
The Gospel of John (28)
The Gospel of John (29)
The Gospel of John (30)
The Gospel of John (31)
The Gospel of John (32)
The Gospel of John (33)
The Gospel of John (34)
The Gospel of John (35)
The Gospel of John (36)
The Gospel of John (37)
The Gospel of John (38)
The Gospel of John (39)
The Gospel of John (40)
The Gospel of John (41)
The Gospel of John (42)
The Gospel of John (43)
The Gospel of John (44)
The Gospel of John (45)
The Gospel of John (46)
The Gospel of John (47)
The Gospel of John (48)
The Gospel of John (49)
The Gospel of John (50)
The Gospel of John (51)
The Gospel of John (52)
The Gospel of John (53)
The Gospel of John (54)
The Gospel of John (55)
The Gospel of John (56)
The Gospel of John (57)
The Gospel of John (58)
The Gospel of John (59)