Bruno's Core Messages

The works of the Holy Spirit

Understanding what the Holy Spirit accomplishes in and through a human being is absolutely essential for anyone who wants to fulfill the call God has for their lives. When we are born of the Spirit and baptized in the Spirit, the Christian life is lived out - both in holiness (the fruit of the Spirit) and in power (the gifts of the Spirit). It is possible for all Christians to live a life of intimate fellowship with the Holy Spirit. It gives so much joy, and so many results in life.

To Practice the Presence of God

God is not just a distant person sitting on his throne in Heaven, somewhere far out in the universe. He is a God who wants to be near us, so we can walk with him. We can live with God in our everyday life, and not just visit him on Sundays in church. A walk with God begins with an encounter with God. It continues with an agreement to walk together.

God's Word

The Bible is the book of books. It is above all other books. The Bible does not just contain God's word, or tell us about who God is - it IS God's own word.To love God is to love his word. It is therefore imperative to read the Bible over and over again - especially for someone who is called to preach the word of God.

Ask Bruno to come out to preach

Bruno Knutzen er forkynder og grundlægger af ImpactChurch i Roskilde. I over 40 år har han prædiket i Danmark og Norge og mange andre lande over hele verden. Han har en profetisk lærertjeneste og er kendt for sin overgivelse til og tro på Guds løfter.

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