Home / Teaching / It is written: God's plan for salvation / It is written 4: Man was invented by God It is written 4: Man was invented by God God's plan for salvation (4) Reading the Bible is like reading a manual for an abundant life. Category: It is written: God's plan for salvation Description Description Related Produkts It is written: God's plan for salvation Der står skrevet 8: Naturloven God's plan for salvation (8) The law of nature (our conscience) tells us what is right and wrong. It sets us apart from all other creatures. It is written: God's plan for salvation Der står skrevet 25: Begreber om endetiden God's plan for salvation (25) Description of concepts and expressions that exist in connection with the end times. It is written: God's plan for salvation Der står skrevet 7: Syndefaldet God's plan for salvation (7) Man lived in innocence, but decided not to obey God. Therefore, death (separation) came into the world. Reading from Gen 3. It is written: God's plan for salvation Der står skrevet 12: Babelstårnet og Abraham God's plan for salvation (12) Man turned away from God and built the Tower of Babel. God chose Abraham to show His glory. Reading from Gen 11-12..