Home / Teaching / It is written: God's plan for salvation / It is written 15: Jesus' sin free life It is written 15: Jesus' sin free life God's plan for salvation (15) The passion of Christ, his death, resurrection and ascension. Category: It is written: God's plan for salvation Description Description Related Produkts It is written: God's plan for salvation Der står skrevet 22: De sidste tider (3) God's plan for salvation (22) A world where the Antichrist reigns, and the end of the tribulation when Jesus returns. Rev 19. It is written: God's plan for salvation Der står skrevet 12: Babelstårnet og Abraham God's plan for salvation (12) Man turned away from God and built the Tower of Babel. God chose Abraham to show His glory. Reading from Gen 11-12.. It is written: God's plan for salvation Der står skrevet 17: Jesu opstandelse og menighedens tidsalder God's plan for salvation (17) The resurrection makes it so that the Jesus who died, he lives today. Therefore we can talk to him today. It is written: God's plan for salvation Der står skrevet 2: Bibeltro God's plan for salvation (2) The 5 theses that all Bible believers will agree on.