Home / Teaching / It is written: God's plan for salvation / It is written 15: Jesus' sin free life It is written 15: Jesus' sin free life God's plan for salvation (15) The passion of Christ, his death, resurrection and ascension. Category: It is written: God's plan for salvation Description Description Related Produkts It is written: God's plan for salvation Der står skrevet 13: Lovens tidsalder God's plan for salvation (13) Moses received God's laws - The Ten Commandments. God made the descendants of Abraham into a nation. It is written: God's plan for salvation Der står skrevet 2: Bibeltro God's plan for salvation (2) The 5 theses that all Bible believers will agree on. It is written: God's plan for salvation Der står skrevet 23: Tusindårsriget God's plan for salvation (23) The last age. Divine government. God's promises come true. It is written: God's plan for salvation Der står skrevet 8: Naturloven God's plan for salvation (8) The law of nature (our conscience) tells us what is right and wrong. It sets us apart from all other creatures.