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It is written: The Gospel of John
Der står skrevet 51: Alle der tog imod Ham
The Gospel of John (5)
At tage imod Jesus, er ikke bare at forandre sine tanker. Det er en oplevelse, der kommer indefra. At blive født af Gud og blive Hans barn. (Joh. … -
It is written: The Gospel of John
Der står skrevet 53: Johannes Døbers vidnesbyrd
The Gospel of John (7)
John testified of Jesus so that all should come to faith, by that testimony. (John 1:19-46). -
It is written: The Gospel of John
Der står skrevet 56: Tempelrensningen
The Gospel of John (10)
Jesus became angry. People were preoccupied with themselves in a place where they were supposed to worship God. (John 2:13-25).