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It is written: The Gospel of John
Der står skrevet 49: I Ham er liv og lys
The Gospel of John (3)
God wants to give us His life and turn on the light, so we can see Him. (John 1:4-5). -
It is written: The Gospel of John
Der står skrevet 56: Tempelrensningen
The Gospel of John (10)
Jesus became angry. People were preoccupied with themselves in a place where they were supposed to worship God. (John 2:13-25). -
It is written: The Gospel of John
Der står skrevet 50: Johannes Døber
The Gospel of John (4)
God sends people with a purpose and a meaning. But we have a choice whether we want to cooperate with God. (John 1:6-11). -
It is written: The Gospel of John
Der står skrevet 47: Jesus er Guds billede
The Gospel of John (1)
Introduktion til Johannes Evangeliet og hensigten med hans evangelium. (Joh. 1,1).