It is written 43: The beast out of the sea and the beast out of the earth
Johannes’ Åbenbaring (18)
The devil raises the Antichrist and the false prophet to prevent the return of Jesus. (Rev. 13: 1-18).
Category: It is written: Revelation
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It is written: Revelation
Der står skrevet 29: Sendebrevet til Smyrna
Johannes’ Åbenbaring (4)
The letter to the church in Smyrna. The suffering congregation. Represents the time from about 100-310 AD. (Rev. 2: 8-11). -
It is written: Revelation
Der står skrevet 36: Lammet og bogen med de syv segl
Johannes’ Åbenbaring (11)
Der var ingen værdig til at bryde seglet – kun Guds lam. (Åb. 5:1-14). -
It is written: Revelation
Der står skrevet 45: Babylon og Jesu genkomst
Johannes’ Åbenbaring (20)
Babylon represents the place of rebellion. The religious and the political system. The power of money. (Rev. 17-19). -
It is written: Revelation
Der står skrevet 30: Sendebrevet til Pergamon
Johannes’ Åbenbaring (5)
The letter to the church of Pergamum. The indulgent church. Represents the time from about 300-600 AD (Rev. 2: 12-17).