Home / Teaching / It is written: God's plan for salvation / It is written 19: End-time prophecies - The great tribulation - the rapture It is written 19: End-time prophecies - The great tribulation - the rapture God's plan for salvation (19) The coming age. Jesus' return. Reading from Dan 9. Category: It is written: God's plan for salvation Description Description Related Produkts It is written: God's plan for salvation Der står skrevet 7: Syndefaldet God's plan for salvation (7) Man lived in innocence, but decided not to obey God. Therefore, death (separation) came into the world. Reading from Gen 3. It is written: God's plan for salvation Der står skrevet 2: Bibeltro God's plan for salvation (2) The 5 theses that all Bible believers will agree on. It is written: God's plan for salvation Der står skrevet 25: Begreber om endetiden God's plan for salvation (25) Description of concepts and expressions that exist in connection with the end times. It is written: God's plan for salvation Der står skrevet 21: De sidste tider (2) God's plan for salvation (21) Jesus talks about the things that will happen when he returns. Reading from Matt 24.